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Home » Methods » Expectation matrix

Expectation matrix

Unclear roles and responsibilities
1 project manager & max. 15 project partners
Ca. 2.5 hours + evaluation
  • Digital whiteboard: Miro or Mural
  • Video conferencing: Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc.
Best Practices

Explanation of the method

  1. Create a matrix with the names of the project partners on the horizontal and vertical axis. The horizontal axis can be considered as "GIVE" and the vertical axis as "TAKE". The expectation matrix is therefore also known as the give-and-take matrix.
  2. At the beginning, each actor defines his/her main goal in the project and writes it in a horizontal line under his/her name.
  3. Each actor fills in the intersections of the matrix that concern him/her as follows - TAKE: What do I want to get from each of the other project partners or what do I expect from them? GIVE: What competences, services or contacts can I offer to the other project partners?
  4. The first actor starts with the presentation of the desired TAKEs and proposed GIVEs. The other project participants react to the extent to which the expectations can be fulfilled.
  5. Evaluate the matrix together afterwards: Which expectations are met? Which ones are not met? What contribution can be delivered even though it is not expected?
  6. Make sure together that no roles are left out. Define clear responsibilities and open expectations and derive specific follow-up tasks for all participants.


  • The partners get to know each other better.
  • The method quickly creates clarity about the contributions and expectations of all participants.
  • Misunderstandings about roles and responsibilities can be reduced at an early stage.
  • By showing which expectations have not yet been met, each partner knows what needs to be worked on more in the future.
  • Binding statements are made that can be referred to in the course of the project.


Advice from practice

  • Good preparation and moderation are important. You should keep to the time frame and always refer to each contribution.
  • Use traffic light colors to visualize the results (green = expectations fulfilled, yellow = contribution without expectation, red = expectation not yet fulfilled).
  • The expectations that were not met or contributions that are not expected should be looked at and discussed more specifically afterwards. Is there a possibility to fulfill the expectations after all, or what happens if they cannot be fulfilled?
  • Write down the results in a document (What can partner X offer and contribute to topic Y?) and share it with all participants, this creates more commitment.
  • You should make the matrix transparently accessible to each project partner. This can help to build trust, because each project partner knows what can be expected from which project partner or what will be delivered.
Please note that the tools and methods were created as of August 2024 and all Miro Boards are editable.
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