CoCreAid Toolbox - Click here to view
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Project Activities

On our way to the successful implementation of the CoCreAid Kit 4.0, there are four project milestones to achieve. 

Milestone 1 lays the theoretical groundwork by specifying the toolkit's requirements, whereas Milestones 2 and 3 entail the development, testing, and validation of the platform. Milestone 4 centers on expanding the digital platform's usage to a wider audience through multiplier events. 

Milestone 1

Report on digital solutions for co-creation

The report examines the current success factors, barriers, and requirements to digital co-creation between HEIs and NGOs. By means of desk research, digital platforms and methods were identified and checked for their suitability for digital co-creation. To get a deeper understanding of the needs and requirements of involved actors towards graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and digital methodologies in co-creation projects, 80 semi-structured qualitative interviews with experts in digital co-creation from HEIs and NGOs were conducted. The report will provide a solid basis for the development of the GUI (Milestone 2).

Milestone 2

CoCreAid Kit 4.0

The insights gained in Milestone 1 are later consolidated into a GUI that serves as an all-in-one user platform for digital co-creation by integrating a knowledge base, existing platforms, and methods. It will guide users to the individual co-creation methods depending on their needs and their project progress.

The CoCreAid Kit 4.0 will increase the successfully collaboration of academics and NGOs in digital co-creation projects.

Milestone 3

Pilot test and validation report

Milestone 3 is concerned with pilot testing the digital CoCreAid Kit 4.0. Validations will be produced in the form of a report and this validation will be used for further improvement of the Kit. This result will allow us to address user specific issues ensuring that our GUI has the highest standard.

Milestone 4

CoCreAid Kit 4.0 dissemination

Milestone 4 aims to scale the CoCreAid Kit 4.0 to a broader audience through multiplier events. This involves the dissemination of customized user guidelines for academics, NGOs, and citizens. The objective is to attract more users and expand the project in Europe.

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