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Scientific approaches to solutions must meet the needs of society. For this, an understanding of the cultural and socio-economic diversity of society is essential and the approach should be constantly reflected. An early dialogue must reveal the needs of all because science also makes demands on the way of proceeding and answering the question.

The frequently cited ivory tower from which scientists often want to see the world and improve it, brings difficulties with it in collaboration with stakeholders from society. It is a challenge and at the same time probably the greatest opportunity that scientific research has to face to design implementations and improvements in such way that they meet the needs of stakeholders from society (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Bodison et al., 2015). It is crucial for scientists to truly understand the cultural and socioeconomic diversity of society from the beginning (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Bodison et al., 2015). They should avoid following the traditional understanding of transfer by unreflectively transferring their theories and models to the actors of society if they contradict the experiences and needs of that social group (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to White-Cooper et al., 2009).

Methods to help you overcome the transfer barrier

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