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Home » Methods » Feedback Collector

Feedback Collector

min. 1 project members for collecting the feedback + respondents
min. 1 hour
  • Video conferencing: Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc.
  • Digital whiteboard: Miro or Mural (to take notes)
  • Prototype: Adobe XD or Figma (or any other platforms that the digital prototype was created on)
Best Practices

Explanation of the method

The feedback collector helps in organizing learnings and feedback from activities like prototype testing.

  1. The upper three sections allow you to point out your observations regarding the functionality of the prototype or solution. Highlight what worked and why it worked. Then note down what didn't work or what confused the users and why this was the case. Lastly, identify the necessary changes and the reasons behind them.
  2. The lower three sections are designated for direct feedback from participants, to summarize their likes, desired improvements, and any additional suggestions linked to the prototype, along with reasons for their preferences.
  3. After collecting the feedback, add new ideas or changes as a group and give reason why these need or should be made.


  1. Structured format for collecting and organizing feedback, making it easier to analyze and act upon
  2. By including observer notes and direct participant feedback, the tool ensures insights from multiple perspectives
  3. The method helps in clearly identifying what worked, what didn't, and what changes are needed, making it easier to formulate actionable next steps


  1. The method primarily focuses on qualitative feedback, limiting its ability to capture quantitative data
  2. effectiveness of the method relies on the willingness of users to provide detailed and honest feedback
  3. there may be challenges in capturing subjective aspects accurately, potentially leading to biased feedback

Advice from practice

  1. Let our participants/users experience the prototype/solution themselves and encourage them to think out loud.
  2. Be careful how you formulate the question - design them open-ended that participants provide detailed insights. Clarify things that you don't understand via follow-up questions.
  3. Develop a plan for analyzing the collected feedback - What do you want to achieve?
  4. Consider using the tool iteratively throughout the project lifecycle to track changes in feedback and capture the effectiveness of implemented changes
Please note that the tools and methods were created as of August 2024 and all Miro Boards are editable.
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