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Home » Methods » Fake Door Testing

Fake Door Testing

1-2 months
  • Landingpage Builder: WordPress, Wix, Squarespace
  • Online Surveys: Google Forms, Typeform, Surveymonkey
  • E-Mail Marketing: Rapidmail, Mailchimp, sendinblue
  • Virtual Meetings: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet
  • Social Media Platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin
Best Practices

Explanation of the method

  1. Idea Identification: Clearly define the concept or idea you want to test. It could be a new service, tool, or initiative that addresses societal challenges in rural areas.
  2. Concept Simplification: Identify the core features and functionalities that are essential to your idea. Strip away all non-essential elements to create a minimalistic representation.
  3. Create the Fake Door: Develop a basic prototype or representation of your concept. This could be a simple landing page, a brochure, or even a paper-based description. Ensure it looks realistic enough to gauge user reactions.
  4. Communicate the Concept: Introduce the concept to your target audience. This could involve sharing the landing page, distributing brochures, or presenting the paper-based description. Clearly convey what the product or service aims to achieve.
  5. Collect Feedback: Encourage users to interact with the minimal representation. This might include signing up for more information, expressing interest, or providing feedback. Collect qualitative and quantitative data on their reactions.
  6. Analyze Results: Evaluate the responses and feedback received. Assess the level of interest, common pain points, and suggestions for improvement. Determine whether the concept has the potential for further development.
  7. Iterate or Pivot: Based on the feedback, decide whether to iterate on the existing concept, pivot to a different direction, or abandon the idea. This process allows for quick adjustments before investing significant resources.


  1. Cost-Effective: Fake Door Testing is a low-cost method compared to developing a full-fledged solution.
  2. Time Efficiency: It provides quick insights into user interest and allows for rapid decision-making.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Reduces the risk of investing resources in a concept that may not resonate with the target audience.
  4. User-Centric: Focuses on user feedback and preferences from the early stages.


  1. Limited Realism: The minimal representation may not capture the full complexity of the actual solution.
  2. Biased Feedback: Users may react differently when presented with a fully developed product compared to a simplified version.
  3. Potential Misinterpretation: Users might not fully understand the concept, leading to inaccurate feedback.

Advice from practice

  1. Clear Communication: Clearly communicate that the representation is a prototype or minimal version to manage user expectations.
  2. Targeted Audience: Ensure that the testing is conducted with the actual target audience to obtain relevant and meaningful feedback.
  3. Quantitative Metrics: Include measurable elements in your fake door, such as sign-up forms or click-through rates, to gather quantitative data.
  4. Multiple Iterations: Be prepared to iterate and conduct multiple rounds of testing to refine the concept based on ongoing feedback.
  5. Combine Methods: Use Fake Door Testing in conjunction with other validation methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of user reactions.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Be transparent about the testing process, and respect user privacy and expectations.
Please note that the tools and methods were created as of August 2024 and all Miro Boards are editable.
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