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Home » Methods » Agile development

Agile development

2-10 participants
depends on the duration of the projects (e.g. 1-4 weeks sprints in SCRUM approach)
  • Agile project management tools: Use software such as Jira, Trello, Asana or to create and manage Kanban boards, schedule tasks, assign tasks and track progress digitally.
  • Communication and collaboration tools: Use platforms such as Microsoft Teams to facilitate real-time communication between team members, especially if they work in different geographical locations.
  • Video conferencing: Tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet or Skype allow you to conduct daily stand-up meetings or review meetings with geographically dispersed team members.
  • Documentation and file sharing tools: Use Google Drive, Dropbox or similar services to share documents, presentations, prototypes and other project materials collaboratively.
Best Practices

Explanation of the method

  1. Initial Planning: The team defines the project's goal and breaks down the work into smaller digital tasks.
  2. Create Kanban Board: If using Kanban, set up a digital board with columns such as ""To-Do,"" ""In Progress,"" and ""Done."" Each task is represented digitally by cards or virtual sticky notes and placed in the corresponding column.
  3. Assign Tasks: Team members assign digital tasks based on their skills and preferences using the Agile project management software.
  4. Daily Stand-Up Meeting (Scrum): The team briefly meets digitally every day to share progress, discuss any obstacles, and plan the work for the next day.
  5. Sprint (Scrum): Initiate a defined work period called a sprint, during which the team commits to completing a set of digital tasks.
  6. Continuous Iteration: Work iteratively by completing planned digital tasks and adapting based on feedback and encountered challenges.
  7. Review Meetings (Scrum): At the end of each sprint, conduct a digital review meeting to examine results and plan for the next sprint.


  1. Requires discipline and effective time management.
  2. May not be suitable for all types of projects.


  • Keep digital stand-up meetings brief and focused.
  • Use digital Agile project management tools for remote collaboration.
  • Embrace change as a part of the process and adapt accordingly.

Advice from practice

Please note that the tools and methods were created as of August 2024 and all Miro Boards are editable.
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