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Welcome to the Co Cre Aid Kit


Kicking off co-creation

To kick of digital co-creation between higher education institutions (HEIs), NGOs and citizens in the right way, it is beneficial to first create some awareness on the stages a co-creation project can go through.

Overcoming transfer barriers

When different disciplines and sectors collaborate, the actors involved repeatedly encounter stumbling blocks that prevent or at least impede successful knowledge and technology transfer. These stumbling blocks are also referred to as transfer barriers.

Platforms for digital co-creation

On this page you will find best practice examples of digital co-creation that we have collected from our partners in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Turkey and Italy. All cases were selected based on two criteria: a) they must have been conducted online or in a hydrid format, and b) they must involve collaboration between HEIs and NGOs. 

Methods for Digital co-creation

Here you will find a variety of methods that can be used in digital co-creation. Each methods helps to overcome a specific transfer barrier (see here). Not all methods are equally suitable for every project phase; thus, the transfer barriers were assigned to three different project stages: start, implementation, and closure.

Good practices of digital co creation

Here you will find a variety of digital platforms with a detailed description. The platforms are divided into five categories based on their general function.

CoCreAid Toolbox for Co-creation

Our CoCreAid Toolbox is here to help. Just filter for the categories, time frames, group sizes or project stages you find yourself in, and see which method and tool are suitable for your case. Or simply choose the transfer barrier you would like to overcome.
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