European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are increasingly engaged in society and therefore play a growing role in regional and social development. As a result of the increasing international cooperation, successful collaboration in the digital spere is becoming more and more critical. However, to date, collaboration between HEI and NGOs in the digital sphere has been somewhat neglected, leading to a lack of insight.
The CoCreAid Kit 4.0 focuses on overcoming barriers to cooperation arising when HEIs and NGOs co-create digitally. The aim is to increase social impact in participating European countries and beyond. Furthermore, digital competencies will be strengthened among the project partners through practical application.
This website guides you through the wide variety of digital platforms and co-creation methods. Additionally, you will find best practices for successful digital co-creation.
Nowadays, co-creation increasingly takes place in digital environments, as the physical distance between the actors in a global collaboration does not always allow for a face-to-face meeting. However, to date, collaboration between HEI and NGOs in the digital sphere has been somewhat neglected, leading to a lack of insight.
To close this prevalent knowledge gap, qualitative interviews with 45 digital co-creation experts from HEIs and 35 experts from NGOs were conducted. It has been shown that here is a great variety of digital platforms available, and the problem is rather the lack of knowledge on how to use this variety efficiently. Users often are unaware of the variety of functions they could work with. In addition, they lack time to study new platforms and methods in depth, resulting in them using the same platforms repeatedly, which may not provide them with an optimal solution.